Introduction to Infinite Extent


See Also:

Description of Menu Items



What is Infinite Extent?

Infinite Extent is a computer program designed to estimate aquifer parameters from pumping test data. It includes traditional type curve matching methods and graphical data analysis as well as automatic parameter estimation. Also included are special hydrogeologic calculators useful in estimating aquifer behavior in the presence of a pumping well.



How does Infinite Extent work?

Infinite Extent accepts time and drawdown measurements for up to five wells. Data is entered into Infinite Extent from the keyboard, from a data logger file, or from a previously saved file. A variety of methods are available to analyze the data.


When graphical methods are used, results are displayed on the screen. Graphs can be printed, copied to the clipboard to be pasted into word processor or spreadsheet documents, or saved as a bitmap graphics file.


Automatic methods display results on the screen in a report format. The report can be printed, exported as a tab-delimited file for importing into spreadsheets, or exported in rich-text format for importing into word processor applications.



How do I enter data?

Data can be entered from the keyboard from the following Edit menu items.


Site Information -- This is information about the site including a test title, well labels, test date, client and project number and other information.


Aquifer Parameters -- This is quantitative information about the aquifer test including distance to observation wells, well discharge rate, and aquifer thickness.


Partial Penetration -- Accessed from the Aquifer Parameters menu selection, this information is used for Hantush's modification of the Theis method for partial penetration.


Time and Drawdown -- This is the time and drawdown measurements for each of the wells.


From File | Import, Infinite Extent can read time and drawdown data from text files created with a digital data logger. Infinite Extent reads a variety of data logger file formats for both single or multiple wells, in most cases with no editing of the original file.


Data can be entered in a variety of units. Units are specified from Options | Units. Infinite Extent can also read data files in Geraghty & Miller's AQTESOLV for DOS format.



How do I analyze the data?


The View menu controls what is displayed in the main window. Test analysis methods are selected from the View menu. Type curve methods support drag-and-drop type curve matching. Use the mouse to drag the type curve data to the type curve with the best match. Other graphical methods use on-screen buttons to control data fitting. Automatic parameter estimation methods display results in a report format.


Graphs of the pump test data are also available from the View menu. Graph types include Arithmetic, Semi-Logarithmic, and Double-Logarithmic graphs.