Options | Graph Options


This menu selection allows the user to select options for both the type curve graphs and the data graphs (available under the View menu). It includes the following options:


Best Fit Line Style -- This sets the style for the best fit lines on graphs.


Hydraulic Conductivity Always in Scientific Notation -- If this box is checked, hydraulic conductivity will always be displayed in scientific notation. If this box is not checked, hydraulic conductivity will be displayed in scientific notation only if it is a very large or very small number.


Show Type Curve Match Point -- If this box is checked, the type curve match point will be displayed on the screen as a circle around a cross. The match point occurs at a time of one day, and a drawdown of one meter. If this box is not checked, the match point is not displayed.


Graph Recovery Data -- If this box is checked, recovery data will be graphed in the arithmetic, semi-log, and log-log graphs. If this box is not checked, recovery data will not be displayed in these graphs.


Significant Digits -- This specifies the number of significant digits used when displaying data.


Default Text Box Border Style -- This sets the default style for text box borders.