Description of Menu Items


image\PINKBUTT.gif File

New -- Create a new Infinite Extent File

Save -- Save the current Infinite Extent File

Save As -- Save the current Infinite Extent File with a new file name.

Save Graph As -- Save the current graph to a bitmap file.

Open -- Open an existing Infinite Extent file


Export to Spreadsheet

Export Rich Text Format

Page Setup

Print -- Print the current display

Print Preview -- preview printing of the current display

Print Setup -- Specify print options such as printer and orientation

Exit -- Quit the program

image\PINKBUTT.gif Edit

Site Information

Aquifer Parameters

Time and Drawdown

Adjust Data

Copy Graph -- Copy the current graph to the Windows clipboard.

image\PINKBUTT.gif View





Distance-Drawdown Graph

Theis Recovery

Theis Confined Type Curve

Walton Leaky Aquifer Type Curve

Hantush Leaky Aquifer Type Curve

Unconfined Aquifer Type Curve

Hantush Modified Theis Type Curve

Theis Automatic

Hantush Automatic

Specific Capacity Automatic

Distance Drawdown Automatic

image\PINKBUTT.gif Options

Save Settings on Exit -- Save current options when exiting the program

Eliminate Duplicates

Eliminate Alternates




Graph Options

Graph Symbols

Graph Font -- Select the fonts for the graphs.

Graph Colors

Graph Axes


image\PINKBUTT.gif Calculators

Huisman I Drawdown

Huisman I Transmissivity

Huisman II Drawdown

Steady-State Calculator

Radius of Influence

Well Yield Calculator

Thiem Steady-State Method

Specific Capacity