Walton Leaky Aquifer Type Curve

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Description of Menu Items

Leaky Aquifer Assumptions

Working with Type Curves

Leakage Factor


The Walton type curve method is useful for estimating leakage factor of the aquitard, as well as transmissivity, and storativity.



Estimating r\L for Leaky Aquifers

r = radial distance to observation well where drawdown is measured

L = leakage factor


Type curves are displayed for different values of r/L. Walton (1962) provided curves for r/L ranging from 0.0 to 6.0. As r/L increases, the leakage from the aquitard increases. A value of r/L equal to zero is the Theis solution.


After data has been matched to the best fit type curve, an estimate of r/L is required to determine the leakage factor.