Common Questions and Answers

Type Curves

Q. I selected a type curve method from the menu. The pump test data appeared on the screen, but no type curves. What happened?

A. Type curves are stored in a windows metafile with a EMF extension. Four EMF files are distributed with Infinite Extent and should have been placed in the directory containing INFINIEX.EXE at the time of installation. When Infinite Extent is asked to do type curve matching, these files are called up to display the type curves. Check to make sure the four EMF files are located in the directory with INFINIEX.EXE. If you are running the program from a floppy drive, the type curves may not appear even though the files are available. This is because the program can not access them fast enough from a floppy drive.

Check Help | About to see which directory should contain EMF files.

Q. Can I use the Infinite Extent type curve metafiles in another application to overlay the data.

A. Probably not. Although you can import metafiles in to many spreadsheet or graphics applications, overlaying data is not that simple. You data overlay must be to the exact same scale as the type curves or your results will be incorrect. Infinite Extent automatically adjust data to the same scale as the type curve. Such use may also be a copyright violation.

Data Management

Q. I wanted to start a new test, and when I selected Edit | Aquifer Parameters, there was still data in memory. Now I think I have data mixed from two tests. What Happened?

A. Using data entry options from the Edit menu does not erase the data currently in memory. This is so data can be edited or viewed in different units. Use File | New any time you begin a new test. Otherwise, data from several tests may be mixed together. Use View | Data to make sure that the data in memory is the data you want to test.

Q. How do I control the precision of data display.

A. From Options | Graph Options, you can specify the number of significant digits used in data display. This value is used throughout Infinite Extent.

Data Logger Files

Q. My data logger file does not seem to have loaded correctly. What could be the problem?

A. Although Infinite Extent is designed to correctly read data logger files without editing, some problems may occur.

Make sure you have set the correct format options. For multiple column files, spaces, commas, and tabs, are all column delimiters. Infinite Extent may read more columns than you expect.

If your data logger file has a header, make sure that the last item in the header, before the actual data, is not a numeric value. If it is a numeric value, Infinite Extent may interpret this as the first time value.

Make sure that there is no information following the time and drawdown data. Infinite Extent will ignore information preceding the time and drawdown data, but information following the time and drawdown data will cause errors.

For multiple well loggers, make sure that you have correctly specified the number of columns. Check the data display screen to see if Infinite Extent is reading the correct numbers, but assigning them to the wrong columns.


Q. When printing a type curve, data, axes, and labels appear, but no type curve.

A. This problem has occurred with some printer drivers when attempting to print a type curve on too small of an area. This problem is related to the printer driver and printer resolution. For example, a HP Deskjet 500 at 300 dpi will print correctly with the printer driver supplied with Windows, but not with the printer driver supplied with the printer.

Try printing to a different printer or printer driver, or try printing with smaller margins (or landscape). If this does not correct the problem, call Starpoint Software.