Requirements Model View


See Also:

Data Objects

Compliance Model

Model Builder View

Task Calendar View

Roles View

Model Requirement Data Fields

Task Management


What is the Requirements Model View?

The Requirements Model View provides a visual display of compliance requirements from a Compliance Taafi database. You can schedule compliance tasks from the model and assign the tasks to roles. You can specify each requirement as being in compliance or out of compliance, and create issues from compliance requirements. You can attach documents to each model requirement. You can protect the requirements model so that only certain users may read or make changes to the model.


There are three views for displaying tasks. These are:


The Requirements Model View displays tasks for a selected model requirement. You can use task filters in addition to the requirement selection to limit the tasks that are displayed. The upper right window pane displays tasks for the selected requirement. The lower right window displays documents for the task selected in the upper right window, or documents for the selected requirement.


Note: Every task has an associated requirement in the model.


What is a Requirements Model?

A Requirements Model is a compliance model just like in the Model Builder View. It is a hierarchical visual display (a tree structure) of compliance topics and requirements. Requirements are tasks that must be performed to maintain compliance with regulations or performance standards. Topics are categories of requirements. The model uses a tree-like hierarchy. Any topic can contain any number of subtopics or requirements. However, requirements can not have any sub-requirements. Also, each requirement can exist at only one place in the model.


The Requirements View differs from the model builder view in that the model is stored in a Compliance Taafi database rather than a Model Builder model file. You can still manipulate the requirements model using drag-and-drop, cut, copy, and paste, just like in Model Builder. However, each manipulation requires a database transaction. Also, the model is protected by the Compliance Taafi permission settings and security.


Importing Model Files

It is best to create your model in the Model Builder View because of faster performance and ease-of-use. However, you can also create and manipulate models directly in the requirements model view. To import a model file, select File | Import | Model File. The file will be added to the selected tree node. You can import an unlimited number of model files into a compliance model.


Note: If the current user does not have permission to read roles, then tasks will only be displayed if they are associated with a role to which the current user is assigned.