Task Management


See Also:

Compliance Model

Task Calendar View

Roles View

Requirements Model View

Model Requirement Data Fields


You can use Compliance Taafi to schedule one-time or recurring tasks. Every task has a corresponding requirement in the Compliance Model. If you delete a requirement from the Compliance Model, all tasks associated with that requirement will be deleted as well.


Tasks are scheduled from the Requirements Model View. Schedule a task from a model requirement. Assign the task to a role and set a recurrence pattern. Supported recurrence patterns include:

  • One time task
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-annually
  • Annually


Viewing and Editing Tasks

Tasks can be viewed or edited in:

  • Requirements Model View -- View tasks for requirements in the model.
  • Calendar View -- View tasks for a range of dates
  • Roles View -- View tasks for a role