Model Requirement (Task) Data Fields


See Also:

Task Management

Data Objects

Task Images


Name -- The name of the requirement.


Description -- A description of the requirement.


Media -- The form of media for this requirement.


Notes -- Notes about this requirement.


Task Type -- A type descriptor for this task. Use of this field is flexible and it can be used as appropriate.


Recurrence Description -- A description of the recurrence pattern for this task. The recurrence pattern description is set automatically from the recurrence pattern specified for the task.


Priority -- The priority of this task. Values include:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Critical


Task Window -- The number of days required for this task. Tasks are scheduled by their due date and the recurrence pattern. This value is the number of days before the due date on which the task will start.


Discontinued -- Indicates if the requirement and associated tasks have been discontinued.


Default Role -- The role responsible for this task.


Open Task -- Indicates that the task does not have a due date.


Compliance Status -- Whether the requirement is in compliance or out of compliance. There are two possible values:

  • In Compliance
  • Out of Compliance


Primary Driver -- The regulatory requirement citation or performance standard that drives the requirement.