Issue Data Fields


See Also:

Data Objects

Issue Tracker View

Action Data Fields

Issue Images


Issue data fields are used to track problems that need to be addressed. Unlike tasks, issues are not recurring, and issues are not associated with model requirements.


Name -- The name of the issue.


Description -- A description of the issue.


Start Date -- The start date or discovery date for the issue.


Due Date -- The date on which resolution of the issue is required.


Initiating Role -- The role initiating the issue.


Responsible Role -- The issue responsible for resolution of the issue.


Status -- The current status of the issue. Values include:

  • Out of Compliance
  • Resolution in Progress
  • Resolved Pending Review
  • In Compliance


Priority -- The priority of this issue. Values include:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High
  • Critical


Category -- A category descriptor for this issue. Use of this field is flexible and it can be used as appropriate.


Type -- A type descriptor for this issue. Use of this field is flexible and it can be used as appropriate.


Root Cause -- The root cause of the problem that generated the issue.


Close Date -- The date on which the issue was closed.