Audit Data Fields


See Also:

Data Objects

Audits and Findings View

Finding Data Fields

Audit Images


Compliance Taafi can be used to perform audits against a compliance model. Each audit generates findings. The organizational management may choose to ignore the auditors findings, or they may choose to correct the findings, in which case issues or tasks may be generated and assigned to roles to bring the organization into compliance.


Audit Name -- The name of the audit.


Description -- A description of the audit.


Auditing Role -- The role performing the audit.


Audit Type -- A type descriptor for this audit. Use of this field is flexible and it can be used as appropriate.


Status -- The status of the audit. Possible values include:

  • Upcoming
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Canceled


Start Date -- The start date of the audit.


End Date -- The end date of the audit.


Notes -- Notes about the audit.