Database Permissions


See Also:

User-Role Relationships



Set user permissions from the Users View and editing a selected user. Some rules apply about setting permissions.

  1. A user must have User "Super-User" permission to set user permissions.
  2. Only an administrator can change their own permission settings. Because administrator is the highest level of permissions, an administrator could only decrease their permissions.
  3. The ADMIN login ID is reserved for administrators only.


Permissions and Data Objects

For each data object, each user can be assigned super-user, read, write, and delete permissions.


Read Permission allows the user to view data for the specified object. They can not add or edit data objects.


Write Permission allows the user to add or edit data objects.


Delete Permission allows the user to delete objects from the database. Note that deleting items does not remove them from the database. The program flags them as deleted instead. Only an administrator can view or restore deleted items, or permanently remove them from the database.


Super User Permission 

Each of the five entities (Tasks, Audits, Actions, Findings, Issues) are assigned to a user through the user-role relationship.  In general, a user can only see the entities tied to them through this relationship.  If a user has super user permissions, this restriction is elimited and they can see all entities, even if they are not associated with them.