Schoeller Diagram


See Also:

Schoeller Diagram Options

Schoeller Diagram Titles

Graph Axis Dialog

Graph Locations Dialog

Graph Dates Dialog

Valence and Atomic Weight


The Schoeller diagram is a type of fingerprint diagram for displaying the concentrations (typically in meq/l) of common ions on a logarithmic scale. The Schoeller diagram is presented by Freeze and Cherry (1979). In the ChemPoint implementation, the Schoeller diagram has the following characteristics:


  • Only one diagram is produced at a time.
  • Concentrations for seven parameters are plotted. The seven parameters can not be changed.
  • The graph can be displayed using any concentration units, however meq/l is the typical unit for the Schoeller diagram.
  • The data for the graph can be limited by sample date or sampling location.
  • You can use field names to specify custom graph titles and axis labels.