See Also:
Use this view to create printed reports of ChemPoint data. Eleven different report configurations are available, however these can be customized and saved as templates for easy access. By changing reported fields and options, the number of possible reports is virtually unlimited.
ChemPoint Reporter uses the term "template" because when a report is saved, the actual data is not saved, only the specifications for constructing the report. In many cases, you can use the same template, for multiple facilities. In most other cases, the same template can be used for other facilities with only slight modification, such as a selecting a new date appropriate for the new facility. Multiple reports can also be created for a single facility. Individual reports created for a facility are accessed via the tabs under the main menu.
To create a report:
1. Select the Reports view.
2. From the Report menu, select a report configuration. It may take a few seconds to create larger reports. A new tab will be added to the main window, and the report will be displayed under the new tab.
You can also create a new report from a template file. From File | Open Report Template, select the template file name.
3. You can customize the appearance of the report from items in the Options menu. Select Options | Report Options to specify items such as:
- Fields displayed in the report
- Report title
- The parameter, sample date, or sampling location restrictions on the report
- The representation of concentration measurements
Select Options | Borders to specify the border style of the report.
Report options and borders are saved with template files. After you have customized the report, you can save it as a template file from File | Save Report Template As. The template does not store the actual data in the report, just the options for configuration of the report. If the data is changed and the template reloaded, the new report will be updated to reflect the changes in the data.
There is a maximum of data columns that can be included in any report.
4. You can resize table columns by drag-and-drop. Move the mouse cursor over the border of the column to be resized until the cursor changes to a split bar. Hold down the right mouse button, and drag the column to the desired size. Release the mouse button to accept the new column size. Column sizes are saved with the report template.
5. You can choose different fonts for different sections of the report. From Options | Report Fonts, you can specify a new font for each section. Like report options and borders, fonts are saved with templates.
6. Reports are designed to be printed as professional quality tables. You can select printing options from File | Page Setup. These options include page orientation, page margins, page headers and footers, print zoom factor, and the line spacing for each of the report sections. Two other options are particularly useful. You can scale the report to fit to the specified page width. You can also choose to repeat table headers on the next page when the table is split between two subsequent pages. These printing options are also saved with report templates.
Exporting Reports
Reports can be exported to the following formats: