Post Analysis
Post Analysis
See Also:
Use this view to enter analysis concentration measurements, and to edit container information.
The ChemPoint window is divided into two panes. The upper pane displays all sample containers for the date selected in the ChemPoint main window tool bar. The lower pane contains a spreadsheet displaying parameter analysis data for the container selected in the upper pane.
To edit parameter concentration data:
- Select the desired date from the drop-down list in the ChemPoint tool bar.
- Select the desired sample container.
- Edit the parameter concentrations in the spreadsheet in the lower view.
Note: To indicate non-detects, you must precede the measured concentrations in the Concentration column with the “non-detect” tag specified in Options | Customize. If the parameter was not analyzed, you can indicate that it was not analyzed by entering the “not analyzed” tag in the Concentration column. You specify the “not analyzed” tag from Options | Customize.