Report Styles


See Also:


Report Sections

Report Options

Report Layout

Report Titles

Report Data Fields

Report Line Spacing

Report Borders

Report Headers and Footers

Report Tips

Report Styles



List Reports

Analysis Concentrations List -- A list of analysis concentration measurements. This report can be restricted by sample location, sample date, and parameter name.

Sampling Locations List -- A list of sampling locations such as monitoring wells.

Sampling Event List -- A list of sampling dates and event information.

Container List -- A list of sample containers and related information.


Master-Detail Reports

Location x Parameter -- Concentration values for each date are listed by parameter and location. This report can be restricted by sample location, and parameter name.

Parameter x Date -- Concentrations for each location are listed by parameter and date. This report can be restricted by sample date, and parameter name.

Date x Location -- Concentrations for each parameter are listed by location and date. This report can be restricted by sample location and/or sample date.

Container Details -- Container data are listed by location and date. This report can be restricted by sample location and/or sample date.


Composite Reports

Single Sample Collection Date -- Concentration measurements are displayed for each location and parameter. The location is listed in columns. The parameter is listed in rows. This report is restricted to a single date.


Single Event Date -- Concentration measurements are displayed for each location and parameter for a specified sampling event date. This report is similar to the single date, except that the single date is specified for a sample collection date, and the single event report is for a single sampling event date, which may include multiple collection dates.

Single Sampling Location -- Concentration measurements are displayed for each sample date and parameter. The sample date is listed in columns. The parameter is listed in rows. This report is restricted to a single location.

Single Parameter -- Concentration measurements are displayed for each sample date and location. The date is listed in columns. The location is listed in rows. This report is restricted to a single parameter.