Single Date Report
Single Sample Collection Date Report
See Also:
This report displays a table of analyte concentrations for all parameters and from all locations for a single sample collection date. Sample locations are listed in columns. Parameters are listed in rows. Only the concentration information is available. No other results information can be displayed. For multiple containers from the same location and the same date, analyte concentrations are displayed separated by a slash.
One column is reserved for the units of the measurement. If concentration measurements for a particular parameter or location differ from the units in the unit column, the actual units will be displayed next to the parameter concentration.
From Options | Report Options, you can specify the number of locations to include in each table. If there are more sample locations than the specified maximum number of locations, they will be continued on as many additional tables as is necessary.
From Options | Customize, you can specify how non-detects will be presented (i.e. “ND<“).