Ferris and Knowles Method
Ferris and Knowles Automatic Parameter Estimation
(fully penetrating wells)
See Also:
Excluding Points from Analysis
The Ferris and Knowles method calculates transmissivity of an aquifer analytically using the equation given below.
Super Slug solves the equation for transmissivity for each time and drawdown value. If aquifer thickness has been entered, hydraulic conductivity will also be calculated by dividing transmissivity by aquifer thickness.
Excluding Unwanted Data
Unwanted data from the beginning and the end of the test can be excluded from the analysis. Select one of the graphical analysis methods and exclude any undesired data. Then run the automatic test.
To determine if your data is skewed, view the results for the whole test. If hydraulic conductivity changes considerably from early time to late time, the averages may be skewed to the late time.