User Data Fields


See Also:

Users View

User Permissions

User-Role Relationships


Users are individuals that are permitted to access the Compliance Taafi database.


Login -- The login of the user. When a new user is created, a default login of the first letter of the person's first name, and the person's last name is used. When the user logs into the Compliance Taafi database with this login and a password. This value is required.


Display Name -- The name of the user. This value is required.

First Name -- The first name of the user

Last Name -- The last name of the user.


Phone -- The phone number for the user.


Office -- The office in which the user is located.


Email -- The email address for the user.  This value is required.


Can Change Password

Role for this User -- A list of roles associated with this user. Each user can be associated with one or more roles. Each role can also be associated with one or more users.