Reports View


All reports are generated from lists in any of the following views:


To create a report:

  1. Use filters to limit the items displayed in the list.
  2. Sort the list by the appropriate field by clicking on the field name button in the list.
  3. From the right-click menu in the list, select Create Report from List. This will create a report that matches the list. The application will automatically switch to the report view.
  4. Adjust the report fonts, borders, and column widths as desired.


Exporting Reports

Reports can be exported to tab-delimited text files, or Microsoft Excel.

  • Exporting to tab-delimited text will cause a loss of font and border formatting.
  • Export to Microsoft Excel will retain font and border formatting, but requires Microsoft Excel to be installed on the local computer. Excel 2000 is the recommended version for exporting.