ChemStat Tab-Delimited Import File Format

See Also:

Creating ASCII Text Files for ChemStat


ChemStat imports data in a flat, tab-delimited, ASCII text file format. The file must contain the columns described below. The first row must contain data (no blank rows or title rows). Any column can be empty, although a tab character is required as a placeholder for any empty column. There is no limit on the length of any text.


Facility ID -- This is no longer used.


Date (required) -- The date on which the sample was collected. It should be in a valid date format, such as mm/dd/yy. If the date can not be parsed correctly, the analysis will be ignored.


Duplicate Code -- This is no longer used.


Well ID (required) -- The identifier of the well, such as MW-1. Each individual well must have a unique identifier.


Gradient (optional) -- The hydraulic gradient of the well with respect to the waste disposal facility. This must be either a "U" for up-gradient or background wells, or a "D" for down-gradient of compliance wells. If this is neither a "U" or a "D", the well will be categorized as unused. Wells are classified by the gradient value of the first sample for that well.


Do not worry if you do not have these values. Gradients can be specified or changed from within ChemStat from Options | Change Well Gradients.

Parameter (required) -- The name of the parameter. The length is unlimited and it may contain numeric values, spaces, and commas. If the parameter name is enclosed in double quotes, as is done in some spreadsheets, the quotes will be removed.

Replicate Code (optional) -- This is the code indicating a replicate sample. This is the replicate code provided by GRITS/STAT or ChemPoint. Replicates are indicated with lower case letters "a", "b", … etc. This value is typically "a" or left blank. A replicate code is not required even if there are multiple samples for the same date. Replicates are not used by ChemStat, but can be displayed. Refer to your database system documentation for information on replicates.

Units (optional) -- The units for the analysis. If no units are provided, ppb is assumed. All concentrations should be in consistent units for each parameter. The specific unit of measurement is not considered in any statistical methods.

Concentration (required) -- The measured concentration of the analyte. For non-detects, this value should be the negative of the detection limit. Throughout the data, units for each parameter should be consistent for all samples.

Comparison Level (optional) -- This is the value to which statistical results are compared, such as MCL or ACL. This should be in the same units as the concentration.


Specifying a comparison level in the import file is somewhat outdated. A better way to specify comparison levels is within ChemStat from Options | Comparison Levels.

Data Qualifier (optional) -- This is the data quality code for the sample. If this value contains an R, and "Eliminate Rejected Parameters" is checked, the sample will be ignored. For any other value, the data qualifier is ignored.

Suite -- This is no longer used.