Change Well Gradient
Options | Change Well Gradient
Use this dialog box to transfer wells between the compliance, background, or unused lists.
ChemStat classifies all wells in one of three categories; compliance (or down-gradient) wells, background (or up-gradient) wells, and unused wells (not used in the statistical calculations). When importing data, all wells not indicated as compliance or background are grouped with the unused wells. Data from unused wells are totally excluded from statistical calculations. Unused wells are also unavailable in the well selection combo box in the main window. In addition to wells without a gradient specification, field blanks and trip blanks are typically classified as unused.
1. From one of the three list boxes, select the well to be moved.
2. Wells are moved by clicking the buttons under the list box containing the well to be moved. Click on the correct button to transfer the well to the desired location.
3. After all desired changes have been made, click on the OK button to accept the changes and perform the new statistical calculations. Press on the cancel button to discard all changes.