Customize Dialog
Options | Customize
See Also:
This dialog box sets custom features for the program.
Your Company Name: -- The name of your company. This appears as an option for page headers and footers.
Statistical Analyst for this Project -- The analysts of the data. This appears as an option for page headers and footers.
Spreadsheet Application Command Line -- Enter the command line to execute a spreadsheet application, such as C:\Program Files\Office2000\Excel.exe. ChemStat will use this application to display data files when appropriate.
Perform Individual Well Comparisons Even if Group Comparisons Pass -- This option applies to statistical methods that perform group comparisons, and if the group comparison shows statistical significance, individual well comparisons are performed to determine the specific wells that cause the significant increase. Parametric ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis are two examples of this type of statistical test. If this box is checked, individual well comparisons will be performed even if the group comparison does not show a statistically significant increase. If this box is not checked, individual comparisons will not be performed if group comparisons do not show a statistically significant increase.
Show Data Qualifiers -- If this box is checked, data qualifier codes will be displayed with each sample concentration. If this box is not checked, the codes will not be displayed.
Non-Detect Tag -- This is the character tag used to indicate non-detects in analyses results. Typical values would be "<" or "ND<".
Verbose Reports -- If this box is checked, ChemStat will produce verbose (detailed) reports with all information necessary to duplicate the calculation. If this box is not checked, some reports will be abbreviated.
Word Document Template Full Path and File Name -- In order to write to the Workbook to Microsoft Word, ChemStat needs the location of the "Normal" document template for MS Word. This is a file name either (older versions of Word), Normal.dotm, or Normal.dotx. The file location depends on your version of Windows and other factors and may be in a hidden folder. The first place to look is in this folder which is hidden by default:
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates
Logging Folder -- This is the folder for writing log files. Log files are written during startup and when running scripts.