File | Properties

This dialog displays information about the current file.


Info Page


Facility Name -- This is the name of the facility. The facility name will appear at the top of the page of printed reports.


Analyst -- This is the analyst for the project. By default, the analyst is the one specified in Options | Customize.

Description -- This is a description of the file. It is included to provide any required user-defined information about the file. The description appears only in this dialog box, and will not appear on any printed or exported reports or graphs.



Statistics Page


Creation Date -- The date the file was created (date ASCII text file was imported).


Date Last Saved -- The date the file was last saved.


Rejected Samples -- The number of samples that were rejected because of an "R" in the data qualifier. This value will be zero if the option to eliminate rejected samples was not checked when the file was imported.


Import File Lines -- This is the total number of lines in the import file.


Total Number of Samples -- This is the total number of samples for all wells and for all parameters in the project, including unused wells.


Total Number of Parameters -- This is the total number of parameter constituents in the project.


File Version -- The application version of the current ChemStat data file.



Filters Page


Start Date -- This is the start date specified for filtering the imported text file.

End Date -- This is the end date specified for filtering the imported text file.

Eliminate Parameters Non-Detected Parameters -- This indicates the state of this option during file import. If this box is checked, parameters with 100% of samples below detection limit are eliminated from the project. The list of these parameters is displayed in the Parameters Not Detected page.


Eliminate Samples Not Detected --This indicates the state of this option during import.


Eliminate Rejected Samples -- This indicates the state of this option during file import. If this box is checked, samples with an "R" in the data qualifier are excluded from the project.


Average Concentrations for Same Date -- This indicates the state of this option during file import. If this box is checked, results for samples from the same well and the same parameter taken on the same date (duplicates and replicates) are averaged. The duplicate code for these samples is represented by a "~".



Parameters Not Detected Page


This page will not be displayed if the option to eliminate non-detected parameters is not selected. This page displays the names of all parameters in the original ASCII text import file, for which 100% of the samples were below the detection limit.