Filtering Wizard
Import Wizard Page
Import filtering options control the range of data in the import file imported into ChemStat.
Suite -- If a value is enter, only parameters in this suite will be read into ChemStat. Leave this value blank to read all data regardless of the suite.
Start Date -- ChemStat will ignore samples collected before this date.
End Date -- ChemStat will ignore samples collected after this date. The default value is the current date.
Ignore Concentrations With -- Enter a value to indicate that a concentration should be ignored. "NA" would be a typical value.
Eliminate Undetected Parameters -- If this box is checked, all parameters with 100% non-detects in compliance, background, and unused wells, will be excluded.
Eliminate Rejected Samples -- If this box is checked, all samples with a data qualifier code containing an "R" will be excluded.
Include Replicate Codes -- If this box is checked, sample replicate codes will be included with the sample information. In reports, replicates codes will then be displayed adjacent to the sample date. If this box is not checked, replicate codes will be ignored, and reports will display the date without the replicate code. This option affects only the display in reports, and does not affect the statistical analyses or the importing of data.
Import Detects Only -- If this box is checked, only sample with detectable concentrations will be imported. Samples with concentrations below the detection limit will not be included in any statistical analyses.
Average Values for Same Date -- If this box is checked, duplicate and replicate samples (multiple samples for the same date, well, and parameter) will be averaged and will be represented by one sample. Dates with averaged values are represented with a "~" for the duplicate code. If this box is not checked, duplicate and replicate samples will count as individual samples.
Case Sensitive Parameter Names -- If this box is checked, parameter names will be case-sensitive. If this box is not checked, case will be ignored on parameter names.
Represent J Data Qualifiers as Non-Detect -- If this box is checked, analyses with a "J" data qualifier will be treated as non-detects. The J is case-sensitive.