Automatic Statistical Analysis
Automatic Statistical Analysis
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An automatic statistical analysis is the fastest possible way to use ChemStat to detect a statistically significant increase in contamination.
ChemStat can perform an automatic statistical analysis of your data to quickly determine which wells show statistically significant increases in contamination. You can choose an automatic inter-well ANOVA test, or an automatic inter-well prediction limit test.
ChemStat will analyze each parameter with an appropriate ANOVA group comparison test, or prediction limit test. Each report or graph generated will be added to the Workbook. You can then print or export all reports or graphs. The summary list will show a summary of the results for each well, including and indication of statistically significant increase.
Warning: A fully automated statistical analysis is provided as an option, but is not always suitable for your data and analysis requirements. You should review all statistical reports and graphs to ensure that they are appropriate for your data set and analysis requirements. Although the processing for automated statistical analyses are based on USEPA guidance documents and generally accepted monitoring practice, statistical tests may be inappropriate for your data set and analysis requirements, and some required tests may be omitted.