Scripts (Batch Processing)


Scripts provide a way of automating statistical analyses within ChemStat. Scripts are very simple. They consist only of a parameter list, and a list of commands to apply to each parameter in the list.


  • Each script command is executed only for the parameters included in that script. Other parameters are not included.
  • Almost every report or graph has a corresponding script command. Other script commands can be used to transform data, or implement non-detect replacements.
  • Scripts are saved with the ChemStat CSD binary file.
  • Scripts are listed on the Scripts tab in the Workbook window. To view the list of scripts, select Scripts | View Scripts.
  • Scripts can be shared between ChemStat projects. Scripts can be saved to a script file, and then opened into another ChemStat database.


Some script commands provide automatic analyses which may produce one or more reports, and which may use artificial intelligence to determine an appropriate test for a particular parameter. Automatic script commands include:




Creating a New Script


To create a new script, select Scripts | New Script. Follow the instructions for creating the script.


Editing a Script


To edit a script, select the script in the list of scripts. Select Scripts | Edit Script.


Executing a Script


To execute a script, select the script in the list of scripts. As the script is executed, reports and graphs created from the script will be added to the Workbook.