Using the Workbook


The workbook provides a permanent repository for graphs and reports. Workbook items are saved with your data in ChemStat csd files. Workbook items can then be viewed or printed at any time. Reports and graphs added to the workbook are unaffected by data transformations, non-detect representation, or well gradient changes.



Purpose of the Workbook


The Workbook acts as a permanent repository for statistical reports and graphs created from a project. Typically, as you create statistical reports and graphs, there are some you will want to keep with your project, and some that you will want to discard. Those that you want to keep can be added to the Workbook.



Saving the Workbook


Reports and graphs added to the workbook are permanent and will not change (although if fonts or colors are changed, reports will be displayed in the new font and color scheme, but graphs will always be saved as they were created). When you save your project file, the workbook items will be saved as well. Reopening your project file will allow access to all of the Workbook items for that project.



Non-Detects and Transformations in the Workbook


The representation of non-detects and your data transformation is also permanent in the Workbook. Once a report or graph is added to the workbook, information about the representation of non-detects, and the transformation of those data is also permanent. Changing these values in your project will not affect reports and graphs in the Workbook. When you print any report or graph in the workbook, they header and footer information about non-detects and transformation will reflect that report, not the current configuration of your project. You can have multiple reports and graphs in the Workbook each with different non-detect representations and transformations.


Workbook Icons


There are six types of icons to represent reports and graphs in the Workbook. Three icons represent graphs, and three represent reports.


When you add a report or graph to the Workbook, the report or graph can be flagged with one of three states. The color of the icon indicates the state.


1. Report of graph shows statistically significant contamination (red icon).

2. Report or graph does not show statistically significant contamination (green icon).

3. Statistical significance of contamination does not apply to the report or graph. This includes time-series plots, normality tests, etc. (blue icon).


This color code may be useful if you want to print or save only those reports and graphs that show contamination.



Workbook Functions


All workbook functionality is available from the Workbook menu. However, many items are also available from right-click context menus, particularly when right-clicking over selected items in the workbook.



Showing and Hiding the Workbook



To display or hide the Workbook, select View Workbook from the Workbook menu.



Adding to a Workbook


To add a report or graph to the Workbook:

1. Make the desired report or graph active (topmost window).

2. Select Add Item from the Workbook menu, or select Add to Workbook from the right-click menu accessed over the desired report or graph.



Deleting from a Workbook


To delete items from the Workbook, select the item or items to be deleted (the Workbook window must be visible). You can select and delete multiple items. Select Delete Selected Items from the Workbook menu or the right-click menu.


These items will be permanently deleted.



Viewing a Workbook


To view a Workbook report, double click on the desired report or graph. You may also highlight the desired report or graph and select View Item from the right-click menu.



Printing a Workbook Item


To print reports or graphs from the workbook:


1. Highlight the reports and graphs you wish to print.

2. Select Print Selected Items from the right click menu or the Workbook menu.


Pages will be number consecutively from the first page. For each report or graph, headers and footers will properly reflect the representation of non-detects and data transformation for that particular item.


You can also select Print Entire Workbook to print all items in the Workbook, even if they are not highlighted.