Facility Parameter Dialog


Item Descriptions

Group -- This is a group description for the parameters. This field is best used to group parameters into the same groups reported in a laboratory analysis. Examples include "Laboratory A Metals", Laboratory A VOCs", or "Laboratory B Metals".


Order -- This field is used to track parameters in the same order (within each group) that they are reported by the laboratory. Enter 0 to not use the order. If a value of 1 or greater is entered, this value will automatically increase with each parameter addition.

Parameter Name -- The full name of the parameter.

Replicate Code -- This is the code indicating the sample replicate. Replicates are assigned lower case letters a through z and can be recognized in this way on-screen and in printed reports. Typically, the water quality indicators are measured in replicate, although other parameters may be reported in this way.

Default Units -- The default units for the parameter concentration. If Master List is selected, the units from the master list will be used.

Default Detection Limit -- This is the method detection limit for the parameter. Changing the detection limit does not affect ground water data that has already been entered. The current and most frequently used detection limit should be stored here. If analysis results report a different detection limit than this value, the detection limit can be changed during entry of the analysis results.

Method Code -- This is the USEPA method code for the analysis of the parameter. This is typically documented in USEPA document SW-846. For example, it may be 8240 for VOCs. Leave blank if code is unknown.


Compliance Limit -- The regulatory compliance limit of the parameter.



Valence and Atomic Weight

Valence and atomic weight are required for some ChemPoint Professional Graphs to convert units to milliequivalents per liter.

Valence -- Enter the ionic charge valence for the parameter.

Atomic Weight -- Enter the atomic weight for the parameter.