Master Parameter Dialog
Master Parameter Dialog
See Also:
Use this dialog to edit a parameter in the master list. The master list is a list of most of the parameters commonly analyzed in environmental media. The master list is stored in an external file specified from Options | Paths.
Parameter Name -- Enter the name for the parameter. Each parameter in the master list must be unique.
GRITS Abbrev -- The USEPA GRITS/STAT 8 character unique abbreviated name of the parameter. Press the Create button to automatically create a unique GRITS abbreviation. Typically, it will not be necessary to use this feature. ChemPoint only requires a parameter name abbreviation when exporting to GRITS, and it will create one automatically when it is required for this purpose.
Default Units -- The default analytical units for the parameter. When grouped parameter lists are created from the master list, the units specified here will be used.
CAS Number -- The parameters chemical abstract services number.