Analysis Data
Analysis Data
Sample Date -- The date of the sampling event.
Location ID -- The identifier of the location that was sampled.
Container ID -- The identifier of the container.
Parameter Name -- The full name for the parameter.
Replicate Code -- The replicate identifier of the sample. Replicates are assigned lower case letters a through s and can be recognized in this way on-screen and in printed reports.
Concentration -- This is the measured concentration of the analyte in the specified units.
Detection Limit -- This is the detection limit in the specified units.
Units -- The units of the analysis concentration and detection limit.
Method Code -- This is the EPA method code for the analysis of the parameter. This is typically documented in USEPA document SW-846. For example, it may be 8240 for VOCs. Leave blank if code is unknown.
Data Qualifier -- This is a code describing the confidence of the data analysis.
Analyzed By -- The individual or group analyzing the sample.
Analysis Date -- The date of analysis of the sample.
Instrument -- The instrument identifier for the analysis.
Dilution Factor -- The dilution factor for the analysis.
Batch Number -- The batch number for the analysis.
Lab ID -- This is the laboratory ID for the sample.