Verification Resampling


See Also:

Parametric Prediction Limits

Non-Parametric Prediction Limits

Well List

Parametric Prediction Limit with Resampling


ChemStat includes the Parametric Prediction Limit with Resampling to support the following resampling schemes:

  • 1 of 2
  • 1 of 3
  • 1 of 4
  • Modified California


To support other verification resampling schemes, ChemStat allows you to vary the number of samples compared to the prediction limit for each well. The default number of recent sampling dates is specified from Options | Default Options | Comparison or the prediction limit right-click menu. In most cases, a value of 1 is appropriate. However, you can specify different "recent date" values for each individual well. When the prediction interval report is displayed, the bottom portion of the window will display a list of all compliance wells included in the analysis. Select a well or wells. Click the right mouse button to display the context menu, and select the desired number of recent dates for the selected well(s).


Verification resampling applies only to inter-well comparisons of the parametric and non-parametric prediction limit methods.