Default Options
Options | Default Options
Graphs Page
This page specifies default symbol rotation options for graphs. Also specified is the default option for normality tests to test actual data or residuals of data.
Tolerance Interval Page
See Also:
This page specifies default values for tolerance interval methods.
Tolerance Interval Comparison -- The parametric tolerance interval and the Poisson tolerance interval have the option of comparing compliance well values to a tolerance interval calculated from background data, or comparing a tolerance interval calculated from compliance well data to a fixed compliance limit.
Parametric Tolerance Interval Calculation -- USEPA 1989 and 1992 guidance documents differ in how the parametric tolerance interval tolerance factor is calculated. This option specifies which method will be used to calculate tolerance factor.
Comparison Page
Default Control Chart Comparison -- Specifies the default comparison for Shewhart-CUSUM and EWMA control charts. Options are inter-well (compliance to background) and intra-well (single well) comparisons.
Default Prediction Limit Options
Parametric Prediction Limit Comparison -- Specifies the default type of comparison for parametric prediction limits. Options include:
- USEPA Guidance 95% Comparison
- USEPA Guidance 99% Comparison
- Gibbons (1987) 99% One-Sided Comparison
- Gibbons (1987) 99% Two-Sided Comparison
See the parametric prediction limit for more details.
Default Recent Dates -- The default number of recent dates (or "future samples") to include in prediction limit methods.