Resampling Options Dialog
Resampling Options Dialog
Use this dialog to specify options for the Parametric Prediction Limit with Resampling.
Indicator Parameters -- This is a list of available parameters in the data set. Check the parameters that will be included in the test.
Background Date Range -- Specify the date range for background (up-gradient) well samples. Samples from within this date range will be used to calculate background mean and standard deviation.
Resampling Method -- Select the verification resampling method:
- 1 of 2
- 1 of 3
- 1 of 4
- Modified California
Statistical Evaluations per Year -- Enter the number of statistical evaluations per year.
Date of Last Full Sampling Event -- Select the date of the last sampling event which is not a resampling event. Any dates subsequent to this event will be considered resampling events. For example, for a 1 of 3 sampling pattern, this date plus the following two dates (if available) will be evaluated for comparison to the prediction limit.