Well Diagram Basic Information
Well Diagram Basic Information
See Also:
Location and Construction Data
These data are specified within ChemPoint, or from selections on the Data menu. These values are displayed, along with their respective field values, but can also affect the appearance of the diagram. For example:
The value of Diagram Type indicates the type of well diagram that will be displayed. Values of Diagram Type include:
Monitoring Well -- Produces a screened or unscreened monitoring well that may or may not display packing materials between the well casing and borehole wall.
Open Hole Pump -- Displays an open hole (unscreened) pumping well that may or may not display packing materials between the well casing and borehole wall.
Screened Pump -- Displays a screened pumping well that may or may not display packing materials between the well casing and borehole wall.
Additional Display Options
If the construction data indicates the well to be flush mount, the diagram will draw a flush mount well.
If the construction data indicates that the well has a protective guard pipe, the diagram will be drawn with a guard pipe in the style selected from Options | Diagram Options.
If the construction data indicates that the well has a protective monument or pad, the diagram will be drawn with a pad in the style selected from Options | Diagram Options.
If the construction data indicates that there are packing materials between the casing and the borehole wall, these packing materials will be displayed in the diagram.
If the construction data indicates the presence of a well screen, a screen will be displayed in the diagram.
The presence of a seal or backfill plug below the screen are also determined from construction data.
Display Sections
Information is displayed in three sections. These include:
Titles Section -- This section is located at the top of the page. It includes the diagram title and well identifier as well as other information about the well.
Diagram Section -- This section is located in the bottom-left of the page. It displays the well construction diagram, and corresponding depth and elevation information.
Materials Section -- This section is located in the bottom-right of the page. It displays the materials used in the construction of the well.
A choice of five border styles are available for each section. These are selected from Options | Diagram Options. You can also specify the vertical line spacing of text for each section.
You can display the diagram at full page or at different zoom factors. Select zoom factors from the Zoom menu.