Diagram Options Dialog
Diagram Options Dialog
Use this form to customize the display of the diagram.
Monitoring Well Title -- This is the diagram title for monitoring well diagrams.
Pumping Well Title -- This is the diagram title for pumping well diagrams.
Borders -- These are the border options for each of the three display sections.
Pad/Monument Style -- Select the style of pad or monument. Regardless of the style specified, a pad will not be displayed if there is no pad information in the construction data.
Guard Style -- Select the style of protective guard pipe. Regardless of the style specified, a guard pipe will not be displayed if its existence is not indicated in the construction data.
Line Spacing -- This is the vertical line spacing for each of the three display sections.
Display Empty Materials Fields -- If this box is checked, all fields in the Materials section will be displayed even if there is no value for that field. If this box is not checked, fields in the Materials section will not be displayed if there is no value for that field.
Upper Case Labels -- If this box is checked, labels will be displayed with all upper case characters.
Line Width -- This specifies the line width for the diagram display. A value of 1 is recommended.