Tools Dialog
Tools Dialog
The Tools menu allows you to run other programs from within ChemPoint. The first item on the Tools menu is Configure Tools. This allows you to add, edit, or remove the remaining items on the Tools menu. All remaining items on the Tools menu are defined by the user. The consist of commands to execute other applications that you may want to run with ChemPoint.
Add -- Click this button to add a new command to the list of available tools.
Remove -- Click this button to remove the selected tool menu command.
Move Up -- Click this button to move the selected tool menu command up in the list.
Move Down -- Click this button to move the selected tool menu command down in the list
Menu Text -- Enter the text to appear on the menu for the command. This value is required.
Command -- Enter the command to execute. This must be the full path and file name of a program, such as "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe". This value is required.
Arguments -- Enter any program arguments to include in the command. These arguments will be passed to the executed program as command line parameters. This value is optional.
Initial Directory -- Enter the initial directory to be supplied to the program. This value is optional.
Prompt for Arguments -- If this box is checked, the user will be prompted for command line arguments at the time the program is executed. If this box is not checked, the command line arguments provided above will be passed to the program without prompting.