Report Options


See Also:


Report Sections

Report Options

Report Layout

Report Facility Data

Report Data Fields

Report Line Spacing

Report Borders

Report Headers and Footers

Report Tips

Report Styles


Use the Report Options page to specify options and configuration settings for the currently displayed report. These settings are specific only to the current report, and are saved with the report template. Some controls may be disabled if they are not appropriate for the current report.


Settings on this page specify the configuration of the report, and options for the display of concentration measurements. Options not applicable to the current report will be disabled.


Report Title -- Enter a title for the report.


Specifying the Sample Location

With some reports, you can limit data to selected sampling locations. Use the Locations tab to select locations for the report.


Specifying the Sample Date

With some reports, you can limit data to selected sampling dates. Use the Dates tab to select locations for the report.


Specifying the Parameter


With some reports, you can limit data to selected parameters. Use the Parameters tab to select locations for the report.



Reporting Non-Detects

ChemPoint Reporter has several options for reporting concentration measurements below the detection limit (non-detects). Select the representation of non-detects from the Report Non-Detects As drop-down box. From Options | Customize, you can specify the "tag" used to indicate non-detects.



Other Options

Convert All Values to ppb -- If this box is checked, all concentration measurements will be converted to parts-per-billion (ppb). This is useful if the report will be written to a tab-delimited file for importing into other commercial statistical analysis packages.

Upper Case Column Headers -- If this box is checked, all column headers will be displayed with upper case characters.

Maximum Number of Columns -- This specifies the maximum number of locations to be displayed in a table for the Single Date report. It also specifies the maximum number of sample date columns to be displayed in a table for the Single Location and Single Parameter reports. If the total number of locations exceeds this number, the report will be continued on a subsequent table.


Minimum Concentration -- This is the minimum concentration (in parts-per-billion) to be reported. Any analysis results with concentrations less than this value will not be included in the report.


Shade Detected Values -- If this box is checked, parameter concentrations above the detection limit will be shaded.


Shade Compliance Limit Exceedences -- If this box is checked, parameter concentrations above the specified compliance limit will be shaded.