Well Types


See Also:

Well Construction Diagrams

Location Data


This section provides information on controlling the type of well displayed in the diagram.

The basic diagram type is specified from the Diagram Type field for the sampling location. There are three options for Diagram Type:

Monitoring Well -- Produces a screened or unscreened monitoring well that may display packing materials between the well casing and borehole wall.

Open Hole Pump -- Displays an open hole (unscreened) pumping well that may display packing materials between the well casing and borehole wall.

Screened Pump -- Displays a screened or unscreened pumping well that may display packing materials between the well casing and borehole wall.

Additional Options:

Other data fields in the construction table will affect the appearance of the diagram.

Flush Mount -- If the construction data indicates the well to be flush mount, the diagram will draw a flush mount well.

Protective Guard Pipe -- If the construction data indicates that the well has a protective guard pipe, the diagram will be drawn with a guard pipe in the style selected from Options | Diagram Options.

Protective Pad or Monument -- If the information is provided on the type of protective monument or pad, the diagram will be drawn with a pad in the style selected from Options | Diagram Options.

Pack Materials -- Pack materials will be displayed between the well casing and the borehole if the construction data indicates that the material exists.

Seal -- If there is information about a seal between the filter material and backfill, a seal will be displayed in the diagram.

Backfill Plug -- The presence of a backfill plug below the screen are also determined from construction data (this may also represent natural collapse).

Well Screen -- If the depth to the bottom of the screen does not equal the depth to the top of the screen, then a well screen will be displayed. If you do not want to display a screen, enter the depth to the bottom of the well casing for these values.