Location Data


See Also:

User Defined Fields


Location ID -- Enter the unique identifier for the sampling location. For nested wells, each well should have a separate table entry.


Successor -- If this location has been superceded by another location for statistical purposes (such as an abandoned or destroyed well being replaced with a new well), enter the identifier of the successor location. Data from this location will be exported to ChemStat with the location ID of the successor.

Description -- This is a description of the location.

Datum -- Enter the reference surface level for elevation data such as mean sea level (MSL).

Units -- Enter the units for depth or elevation measurements (usually either meters or feet). All depth or elevation measurements must then be entered in those units.

Gradient -- Enter the position of the location in terms of the local ground water gradient. A valid code is required for statistical analysis.


Comment -- A comment on the location construction or installation.

Surface Elevation -- The ground surface elevation referenced to Datum.

Northing -- This is the Northing or similar value for the well determined by a surveyor. This provides the y value for exporting data to contouring packages.

Easting -- This is the Easting or similar value for the well determined by a surveyor. This provides the x value for exporting data to contouring packages.

Location Method -- Enter the method used to determine the coordinates of the sampling location.

Elevation Method -- Enter the method used to determine location elevation.

Use -- Enter the code for principal use of the sampling location.

Default Sample Height -- The height or depth of the sampling location. For wells, the value will be the depth from surface or stickup. For stack tests, the value will be the height to the sampling point.


Owner -- The owner of the sampling location. This is useful for tracking the sampling of private wells.


Project Number -- The project number for the installation of the sampling location.


Project -- The project for the installation of the sampling location.


Client -- The client for whom the sampling location is installed.


Contractor -- The contractor that installed the sampling location.


Monitored Zone -- The zone monitored by the sampling locations.


Characteristics -- Descriptive information about the location, such as soil type, water conditions, or other information.


Watershed -- Name of the monitored watershed.




Construction Descriptions:

Top of Casing -- The elevation of the top of the well casing relative to the specified datum.


Depth -- Depth of the well from ground surface


Install Date Start -- Date of the beginning of the well installation


Install Date End -- Date of the end of the well installation


Driller -- Driller of the well


Logged By -- Recorder of the well log


Installed By -- Person or group that installed the well


Log Type -- The type of well log


Diagram Type -- The type of well construction diagram for the well. This is a descriptive value for use the well construction diagram.


Stickup -- The distance from the ground surface to the top of the casing (positive if casing is above ground, negative if casing is below ground)


Pad -- Description of the surface pad


Pad Type -- Type of surface pad


Flush Mount -- Indicator if well top is flush with ground surface


Protection -- Type of protection for the physical well head


Key -- Identifier for the key to the well lock


Lock -- Indicates if well has a lock


Guard Pipe -- Indicates if the well has a protective guard pipe or stand pipe.


Casing Material -- The well casing material


Well Diameter -- The diameter of the borehole


Casing Diameter -- The diameter of the casing


Weather -- Weather conditions at the time of installation


Drilling Method -- Method to drill the well


Guard Posts -- Number or description of well head guard posts


Top Screen Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the top of the well screen


Bottom Screen Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the bottom of the well screen


Top Seal Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the top of the seal


Bottom Seal Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the bottom of the seal


Top Pack Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the top of the filter pack


Bottom Pack Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the bottom of the filter pack


Top Backfill Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the top of the backfill


Bottom Backfill Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the bottom of the backfill


Top Plug Depth -- Depth from the ground surface to the top of the plug


Filter Pack -- Filter pack material


Seal -- Seal material


Backfill -- Backfill material


Plug -- Plug material


Screen -- Type of well screen


Develpment -- The method of well development


Depth to Water -- The depth from ground surface to water