Stiff Diagram Options

See Also:

Stiff Diagram 

Graph Dates Dialog 

Graph Locations Dialog 

Title -- Enter the title for the graph. You can use field names to create custom graph titles.

Title Position -- Select the position of the graph title.


Select the parameters for each of the six axes. The drop-down list boxes list all parameters analyzed at the facility. Graph axes are labeled A through F starting with the top-right axis and proceeding clockwise to the top-left axis.

Only one parameter can be plotted on an axis. Summed parameters (such as Na+K) can not be plotted.

The default parameter selection is:

A -- Calcium

B -- Sodium

C -- HCO3

D -- Sulfate

E -- Chloride

F -- Magnesium

Units -- Select the units for the graph. Available units are listed from Options | Units. In addition, meq/l is an available unit. Proper conversion factors for mg/l must be specified from Options | Units to use meq/l.

Frame Color -- Select the color for the graph frame.

Box Graph -- If this box is checked, a frame will be drawn around the graph area.

Plot Axis -- If this box is checked, an axis will be plotted along the bottom of the graph.