Importing GISKey Data
Importing GISKey Data
See Also:
ChemPoint Professional can import chemical analysis data from GISKey database. GISKey uses Microsoft FoxPro files to store data. Like dBase database files, FoxPro database files have a DBF extension. FoxPro files and dBase files are similar enough that some programs can read both formats, but they are different enough that other program can not read both formats.
GISKey Parameter Name File
This is the name of the GISKey data file containing the parameter names. It is commonly stored in the GISKey application directory, or a subdirectory of the application directory. It is used to map CAS numbers to parameter names. It is probably called Compound.dbf.
GIS Key Data File Directory
The is the data directory for your GIS Key files. Key files to look for are CRESULT.DBF, WELL.DBF, and SITE.DBF.
After you have specified the correct files and directories as described above, click the Import button to import your GISKey Data.