Import New Jersey SRP Format


See Also:

Importing Data

Exporting to New Jersey SRP Format


Use this dialog to import data from New Jersey's SRP formatted files. This function is really just designed for importing dBase formatted files where the field SAMPNUM is not that actual well identifier that should be used in the database. It links the SAMPNUM in HZRESULT.DBF to the SAMPNUM field in HAZSAMPLE.DBF to provide detailed sample information.


If you have a dBase or text formatted SRP file, and the SAMPNUM field is the actually well identifier, you can also import the files using the Universal Importer.


Note: ChemPoint can only import dBase format SRP files.




  1. Select the folder containing the New Jersey SRP formatted dBase files
  2. Select the Facility ID from the drop-down list of available facility ID's, or leave blank to import all data in the tables.
  3. If the import process is successful, you will be able to select an existing facility to which the data will be added, or you can create a new facility.