Graph Page Layout Dialog

See Also:

ChemPoint Graphs 

Use this dialog to specify how graphs will appear on the printed page. You can preview your printed graphs from File | Print Preview.


Left Margin -- Enter the left page margin.

Right Margin -- Enter the right page margin.

Top Margin -- Enter the top page margin.

Bottom Margin -- Enter the bottom page margin.

Inside Horizontal -- This is the distance between columns on a printed page.

Inside Vertical -- This is the distance between rows on a printed page.

Units -- Select the units in which page margins have been specified.


Select the paper orientation for printing, either Portrait or Landscape.


ChemPoint can print multiple graphs on a single page. Specify the number of rows and columns for printing graphs. The number of graphs per page will equal the number of rows multiplied by the number of columns.

Rows -- Enter the number of rows of graphs to be printed on each sheet of paper.

Columns -- Enter the number of columns of graphs to be printed on each sheet of paper.

Border -- Select the border style for the graph.

Start number pages with -- Enter the page number for the first page printed.

Font/Line Size and Divisor -- These are relative scaling factors for printed graphs and graphs displayed on the screen. A larger number will reduce all font sizes proportionately and graphs will be drawn with thinner lines. A smaller number will increase all font sizes proportionately and graphs will be drawn with fatter lines. The default value is 5.