Graph Axis Dialog

See Also:

ChemPoint Graphs 

Use this dialog to specify options for horizontal and vertical graph axes. Not all options are available for all graphs.

Major Division Style and Color -- This is the line style and color for major divisions as they extend across the plotting area of the graph.

Minor Division Style and Color -- This is the line style and color for minor divisions as they extend across the plotting area of the graph.

Major Division Tick Mark Size -- This is the size of the major division tick mark. Negative values will cause the tick mark to be drawn inside the plotting area of the graph. Common ranges are 20 to -20.

Minor Division Tick Mark Size -- This is the size of the minor division tick mark. Negative values will cause the tick mark to be drawn inside the plotting area of the graph. Common ranges are 20 to -20.

Minor Divisions per Major Division -- This is the number of minor divisions within each major division on the axis. This minimum number is 1, which will create an axis with no minor tick marks.

Automatically Scale Axis -- If this box is checked, the axis will be automatically scaled to a range of “nice” numbers to contain the actual data values. If this box is not checked, the maximum and minimum values for the axis will be the actual maximum and minimum values plotted on the axis.

Scale Axis with Dates of Actual Data Points -- If this option is selected, the date axis will be scaled showing dates of the actual sample points.

Scale Axis with Evenly Spaced Dates and Tick Marks -- If this option is selected, the date axis will be scaled with evenly distributed dates.

Automatic Scale Sensitivity -- This is a quantitative indicator of how much rounding to perform when automatically scaling axes. The automatic scaling algorithm is complicated. In simple terms, the larger the number, the more “rounding” will occur.

Scale Number Format -- This is a formatting identifier for how numbers will be displayed on the axis scale. The formatting identifier matches those used with the C programming language printf statement for floating point values. Some common format specifiers are shown below. Consult C programming language documentation for the standard I/O printf function for more information.






Axis Label -- This is the text label (with field identifiers) for the label for the axis. Available field identifiers will depend on the graph being displayed. For available field identifiers, refer to the help topic on Titles for the particular graph being displayed.

Position -- Select the position of the axis label.