Export to ChemStat


See Also:

Exporting Data

Facility Parameter View


Use this dialog to export ChemPoint 4 data to a tab-delimited text file that can be read directly into ChemStat.


Note: Only facility parameters flagged for statistical analysis will be exported. Select the Facility Parameter View to flag or parameters for statistical analysis.



Destination File Name -- This is the name of the tab-delimited text file to create.


Append to Existing File -- If this box is checked, data for the current facility will be appended to existing data in the file. This will allow you to combine data from multiple ChemPoint databases into a single file for statistical analysis. This is an advanced feature and would be necessary only in very unusual situations.


Compliance Well Date Range -- This is the range of dates for compliance well data. Any analyses outside of this date range will not be exported.


Background Well Date Range -- This is the range of dates for background well data. Any analyses outside of this date range will not be exported.


Sample Date -- Select the sample date to use for the statistical analysis. You can use the date of the sampling event, or the actual date of sample collection if it is different.


Statistics Group -- Select the statistics group to export. Statistics groups are a method of grouping containers for statistical analysis. For example, if your facility has multiple aquifers which are each statistically analyzed separately, sampling locations from each aquifer should be in their own statistics group. You would then export to ChemStat once for each aquifer with a separate ChemStat file for each aquifer. Each sample container can be assigned a statistics group number from 1 to 4. You can also exclude individual containers from all statistical analyses.





Convert analyses to ppb -- If this option is selected, all analyses will be converted to parts-per-billion if applicable.


Use units specified in the facility parameters -- If this option is selected, all analyses will be converted to the units specified for each parameter in the Facility Parameters View. This allows you to specify the units used for statistical analysis in ChemStat.



Detection Limit -- Select the detection limit to export with the data.


Note: Before exporting, it is recommended that you make sure the correct unit conversions have been specified from Options | Units.



Export -- Click this button to write the file.


Opening Data in ChemStat


To open the newly created data file in ChemStat, go to File | New Project in ChemStat. Select the file created here.