Concentration Import Map


See Also:

Importing Laboratory Data

Import Data Maps

Non-Detects Import Map


Use this page to specify how to import concentration values from the source database.


Concentration Result Column -- Enter the column or database field containing the measured concentration. For relational databases, select a field from the drop-down list. For tab-delimited text files, enter the number or letter (A, B, C, etc.) of the columns containing the corresponding value in the source file.


Detection Limit (1 through 3) -- Enter the column or database field containing the detection limits. Up to three detection limits are supported. For relational databases, select a field from the drop-down list. For tab-delimited text files, enter the number or letter (A, B, C, etc.) of the columns containing the corresponding value in the source file.


Quantification Limit -- Enter the column or database field containing the quantification limit. For relational databases, select a field from the drop-down list. For tab-delimited text files, enter the number or letter (A, B, C, etc.) of the columns containing the corresponding value in the source file.


Data Qualifier Column -- Enter the column or database field containing the data qualifier for the laboratory analysis. For relational databases, select a field from the drop-down list. For tab-delimited text files, enter the number or letter (A, B, C, etc.) of the columns containing the corresponding value in the source file.


Result Trim Left -- Enter the string of characters to be removed from the left of the concentration result to create a numerical value.


Result Trim Right -- Enter the string of characters to be removed from the right of the concentration result to create a numerical value.


Detection Limit Trim Left -- Enter the string of characters to be removed from the left of the detection limit to create a numerical value.


Detection Limit Trim Right -- Enter the string of characters to be removed from the right of the detection limit to create a numerical value.


Concentration Units -- Enter the column or database field containing the units of measurement for the measured concentration. This may be the same column as for the detection limit. For relational databases, select a field from the drop-down list. For tab-delimited text files, enter the number or letter (A, B, C, etc.) of the columns containing the corresponding value in the source file.


Detection Limit Units -- Enter the column or database field containing the units of measurement for the detection limit. This may be the same column as for the measured concentration. For relational databases, select a field from the drop-down list. For tab-delimited text files, enter the number or letter (A, B, C, etc.) of the columns containing the corresponding value in the source file.


Ignore Concentrations With -- Enter a string value to indicate that the analysis should be ignored. Analyses with this value in the concentration result column will not be imported.


Ignore Empty Concentrations -- If this box is checked, concentrations that are empty will be ignored, i.e. they will not be imported. If this box is not checked, empty concentrations will be imported with a value of 0. In most cases, empty concentrations should be ignored.