About Starpoint Software

"I just purchased and have used for the first time your Super Slug software.
The ease of use and overall value of this program is outstanding!"

Software Applications for Science and Engineering

Customers Include:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -- U.S. Geological Survey -- U.S. Department of Defense -- Exxon Mobil Corp. -- Golder Associates -- URS Corp -- Handex -- Roy F. Weston -- Black & Veatch -- Radian International -- SAIC -- Metcalf & Eddy -- ERM -- Dames & Moore -- Leggette, Brashears, and Graham -- Malcom Pirnie -- Versar -- Bechtel -- Hanford Nuclear Facility -- Duke Power Company -- Brown & Caldwell -- Shaw Environmental -- Clean Harbors Env. Services -- Atec Associates -- Geraghty & Miller -- Battelle -- Blasland, Bouck & Lee -- CH2M-Hill -- Deffenbaugh Industries -- Foster Wheeler Environmental -- Lockheed Martin -- Waste Management Inc. -- FEMA

Starpoint Software Inc. provides quality software for Windows.

Since 1994, Starpoint Software has been a global provider of specialty Windows-based applications. Our product line targets many industries including IT security, IT development, environmental health & safety, manufacturing quality control, science/engineering, healthcare, and many other markets. Our goal is to provide the highest quality applications at the best value with a level of customer support rarely seen in today's software marketplace. This level of value has made us a popular choice for many small to medium sized businesses, as well as Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Our customer base includes individuals, corporations, governments, and academic institutions in over 35 countries around the world.

Customer Service – Fast response for updates and support issues have made us the market leader for customer support. 

Innovation – Look for Starpoint Software to be the first to market with features that later become standard. Whether it is the first commercial aquifer test analysis software for Windows in 1994, or pioneering the environmental data entry system for PocketPC devices, user-friendly innovation has been central to our product design.

Ease-of-Use – With extensive formal training in the user-interface design, our development team is committed to software that is powerful enough for any job, and easy enough to allow you to get the job done fast. Whether through our extensive on-line help systems, detailed error messages, and intuitive design, customers agree that our products consistently provide superior ease-of-use and faster time to productivity.