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Aquifer Step-Drawdown Pumping Test Analysis Software

Aquifer Step-Drawdown and Recovery Test Analysis Software for Microsoft Windows

Browse the help system to learn more.

Single User License: $195

Everyone performs step-drawdown tests but few people know how to analyze the data. Analyzing step-drawdown tests requires the use of complex graphical techniques which are not widely taught. StepMaster uses graphical analysis methods to analyze step-drawdown tests quickly and reliably. No other program is designed specifically for Step-Drawdown like StepMaster.

Graphical Test Analysis Methods

  • Eden-Hazel (step-drawdown and recovery to estimate aquifer transmissivity linear well loss coefficients)
  • Birsoy-Summers (step-drawdown and recovery analysis to estimate aquifer transmissivity and storativity)
  • Hantush-Bierschenk (to estimate linear and non-linear well loss coefficients)

StepMaster Features

  • Accepts up to twelve pumping rates (it is not necessary for rates to be consecutively increasing or of the same duration)
  • Write tab delimited tables of special values Eden- Hazel's H and Birsoy-Summers adjusted time. This allows further independent analysis.
  • All calculations are displayed in moveable, customizable text boxes.
  • Arithmetic, Semi-Log, and Log-Log graphs
  • Extensive ability to eliminate unwanted data or entire steps from the analysis

StepMaster Example Screens
Click on an image to view full size

eh.gif (15332 bytes)
The Eden-Hazel method is a two-part graphical analysis.  The method provides estimates of aquifer transmissivity and an equation describing well drawdown with pumping rate as the independent variable.  (15332 bytes)
bs.gif (17720 bytes)
The Birsoy-Summers is a graphical method to provide estimates of aquifer transmissivity and storativity.  (17720 bytes)
step.gif (15531 bytes)
Shown here is the Clark (1978) data set, in the first graph of the Hantush-Bierschenk analysis. The Hantush-Bierschenk method does not provide T or S, but does provide well loss coefficients and an equation describing well drawdown with pumping rate as the independent variable. (15531 bytes)
caliope.gif (16216 bytes)
Shown here is the Eden-Hazel method with the Calliope example data set published with the original Eden-Hazel paper.  The Eden-Hazel method works with increasing or decreasing discharge rates as well as recovery data.  (16216 bytes)
kawecki2.gif (15902 bytes)
Show here is an arithmetic time-drawdown graph where the initial step was pumped at a higher rate than subsequent steps.  Even this data can provide reliable estimates of aquifer transmissivity with StepMaster.  (15902 bytes)
kaweki1.gif (18502 bytes)
Shown here is the above data analyzed with the Eden-Hazel method. (18502 bytes)
smrec.gif (16505 bytes)
The Eden-Hazel method also provides transmissivity estimates for a simple constant rate pump test with recovery data, as shown here with an example data set from Todd (1980) (16505 bytes)
smrec2.gif (14714 bytes)
Show here is a semi-logarithmic graph of the above recovery data. (14714 bytes)