Infinite Extent

"I just downloaded a trial version and this looks like
what I have been looking for, for a very long time."

Aquifer Constant Rate Pumping and Recovery Test Analysis

Aquifer Pump Test Analysis Software for Microsoft Windows

Browse the help system to learn more.

Single User License: $195

Pump Test Analysis Methods

On-Screen Type Curve Matching
  • Theis Confined Aquifer
  • Walton Leaky Aquifer
  • Hantush Leaky Aquifer
  • Neuman Unconfined Aquifer
  • Hantush's Modification of Theis Method for Partial Penetration
Automatic Parameter Estimation Methods
  • Specific Capacity
  • Theis Confined Aquifer bySlope-Matching
  • Hantush Leaky Aquifer Steady-State by Slope-Matching
  • Theim Confined and Unconfined Aquifer Steady-State
  • Distance-Drawdown for Multiple Observation Well Tests
On-Screen Interactive Graphical Analysis
  • Distance-Drawdown
  • Theis Recovery

Infinite Extent Features

  • Maximum of 2000 time and drawdown values for five wells
  • Import time and drawdown data logger files for single or multiple well file formats
  • Arithmetic, Semi-Log, and Log-Log data graphs
  • Special calculators estimate well yield, radius-of- influence, and steady-state well drawdown
  • Huisman I and II partial penetration correction
  • Specific capacity calculator estimates transmissivity with partial penetration using Bradbury and Rothchild algorithm
  • Enter data in calculators in any of the available units
  • Context Sensitive Speed Menus
  • Context Sensitive Help from F1 key, and "What's this" help
  • Specify maximum values for axes
  • Set major and minor tick mark spacing
  • Option to scale axes with grids or tick marks
  • Choice of graphs symbols
  • Choose from a wide variety of units for transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity

Infinite Extent Screen Shots
Click on an image to view full size

neuman.gif (15844 bytes) The Neuman type curve for unconfined aquifers allows estimation of both horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity (14299 bytes)
distdraw.gif (13554 bytes) Infinite Extent supports distance-drawdown graphs for up to five observation wells.  The distance drawdown graphs provides quantitative estimates of aquifer transmissivity, radius of influence of the pumping test, and a visual indication of horizontal anisotropy in the aquifer.  (12704 bytes)
recover.gif (13007 bytes) Theis Recovery Method (12197 bytes)
iesemlog.gif (16023 bytes) Infinite Extent allows graphing or analysis of five wells simultaneously.  Here is a semi-log plot of drawdown in three observation wells for the same pumping test. (16023 bytes)
theis.gif (14915 bytes) The simple Theis type curve.  (14915 bytes)
walton.gif (16841 bytes) The Walton type curve method for leaky aquifers (16841 bytes)