Options | Graph Options


See Also:

Time, Adjusted Time, Drawdown, and Head

Excluding Data From Analysis

Graph Symbols


This menu selection allows the selection of options for type curve graphs and graphical analysis methods (available under the View menu).

Show Late Values Not Included in Best Fit Calculation -- When graphical solutions are used, best fit lines are drawn through the data points. Points at the end of the slug test (the late values) can be excluded from the analysis with the arrow keys or the buttons in the lower right corner of the screen. Symbols for included or excluded points are selected from Options | Graph Symbols.

If this box is checked, data points from the end of the slug test will be displayed on the graph even if they are not included in the best fit analysis. If this box is not checked, data points from the end of the slug test will not be shown if they are not included in the best fit analysis. The graph will be scaled to reflect the latest time measurement included in the analysis.

Show Early Values Not Included in Best Fit Calculation -- When the graphical solutions are used, points at the beginning of the test (early time values) can be excluded from the calculations to determine the best fit line. If this box is checked, those early points will be displayed on the graphs with the symbol specified for excluded data points. If this box is unchecked, early points not included in the analysis will not be displayed at all.

Recalculate New Head Ratio with Each Adjustment in Data -- If this box is checked, the head for the earliest time value included in the best fit analysis will be Ho (the initial head) and all time points will be adjusted so that Ho occurs at time = 0. If this box is not checked, Ho is the trial determined by Super Slug or specified in First Trial described below. Adjustments made to data during the graphical methods, will be in effect for the automated methods as well. If this option is checked, early values not included in the best fit calculation will not be displayed regardless of the above selection.

Weight Line to First Point for Hvorslev Graph -- If this box is checked, the best fit line will be drawn so that it passes through the point Ho/Ht = 1.0. If heads are not recalculated after each data adjustment, it is not possible to eliminate early data points from the best fit analysis. The first point can be changed from First Trial described below.


If this box is not checked, all points will be weighted equally. Early data points can be excluded from the analysis using the arrow keys or the on-screen buttons as described in the Hvorslev graphical method.



Additional Options


Best Fit Line Style -- This sets the style for the best fit lines on graphs.

Default Text Box Border Style -- This sets the default style for text box borders.

Hydraulic Conductivity Always in Scientific Notation -- If this box is checked, hydraulic conductivity will always be displayed in scientific notation. If this box is not checked, hydraulic conductivity will be displayed in scientific notation only if it is a very large or very small number.


Show Type Curve Match Point -- If this box is checked, the type curve match point will be displayed as a cross inside a circle. The match point occurs at time equal to one day and head ratio equal to 0.5. If this box is not checked, the match point will not be displayed.

Significant Digits -- This is the number of significant digits to include in the numerical displays.

First Trial -- Super Slug will automatically determine the first trial of a data set. The head of the first trial will be the initial head used to calculate head ratio (Ho/Ht). Super Slug uses the maximum drawdown as the default initial head. Time will be adjusted so that the first trial occurs at time equal to zero.

The user can specify a different first trial. The head of the indicated trial will be the Ho used to calculate head ratio Ht/Ho. Time will be adjusted so that the specified first trial occurs at time equal to zero.